“Only when a photo hangs of on a wall does it become a piece of art.”
When something lives in the digital world, it is easily scrolled past, or swiped away and forgotten forever. Digital photos live a ghostly existence. We experience digital photos like a dream. Just as a dream vanishes when we wake up, a digital photo vanishes as we scroll past it or close the file. But as a print, your photograph becomes part of the real world and a part of your life.
One day I saw one of my digital images in a magazine and was so impressed. I just stared it for minutes taking it all in. I had seen that same image on the internet many times, but to see it in the real world brought on emotions that I never felt when viewing the photo online.
Yes, “an image is an image” whether it is digital or printed. But a printed image has a different existence – a bodily existence – and becomes part of your world as something physical rather than ghostly or dreamlike.